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Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Everyday Life . . . with Hope

"I am grateful for the hope that steadies like an anchor . . . unwavering. The hope in your soul never diminishes and has the power to lift your spirit and bring peace to your heart."

I was out last Saturday morning driving those back roads and dirt roads and came upon this sign on a barn. It just tickled me!

Now where is that snow! We're almost through February and the pickings have been few. I even bought long underwear before we moved anticipating the cold and snow, but it still sits in my dresser drawer.

And I've noticed there's a lot of mud around here because the ground is always wet. There isn't a walk or driveway up to our front door. The parking area is about 45 feet from the house. By the time we reach the front door or go down to the car, a lot of mud follows. When the ground dries in the spring, we're having a walk and driveway put in up to the front of the house. Until then, ugh.

Last week I had a problem with my tablet that I couldn't fix. After a few hours on the telephone with Comcast I was ready to let it go. My friend, Cindy, who suggested I get a tablet when I was going through treatment, suggested I might want to get a laptop.

So I've bought a laptop! I'm patiently waiting for it's arrival. I will probably call a computer geek to come get it hooked up. I'm not taking any chances of trying to set it up myself.

And my phone died too. We dreaded going to the phone store. Past experiences haven't been good. But I was able to get another old fashion flip phone and all my numbers were transferred. (At least I think they were. Jerry lost a few of his.) Maybe next time I'll get a smart phone. Can't move to quickly with new gadgets.

But no matter what concerns and problems are going on in my life, the hope I carry in my heart steadies like an anchor . . . unwavering. I can't imagine going through life without the hope of God.

"O hope! Dazzling, radiant hope! What a change thou bringest to the hopeless; brightening the darkened paths, and cheering the lonely way." Aimee Semple Mcpherson (1890-1944)

A few more of the bookmark I created with "hope."


And I'll leave you with this adorable picture! I was reading Susan Branch's most recent blog post
( about her trip to Vermont, and she shared visiting the Warren Store in Warren, Vermont. Among many other things, they have a cute children's book called: Sweet Pea &
Friends: The SheepOver.
It is irresistible! I've placed my order and can't wait until it gets here. How can you resist this little face!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

"Hope" Goes a Long Way

"Hope is one of the greatest gifts we have been given by our heavenly Father. It carries no price tag but its value is priceless. We cling to it when the future looks uncertain and praise it when things turn out better than we could have ever imagined. Hope is the foundation on which we build our dreams and aspirations. It has been the cornerstone upon which ordinary people have accomplished extraordinary things. Hope will always endure." Sandy Lynan Clough, Hope

The last several days I've been in a creating mode. I've been creating new bookmarks with the word "hope," one of my favorite words! Not having made any friends yet, most of my note writing will be to people I don't know. I want to put something inside my notes that will make them smile.

"Hope not only bears up the mind under sufferings but makes her rejoice in them." G. K. Chesterton (1874-1936)

"There is a story of an old man who carried a little can of oil with him everywhere he went, and if he passed through a door that squeaked, he poured a little oil on the hinges. If a gate was hard to open, he oiled the latch. And thus he passed through life lubricating all hard places and making it easier for those who came after him. People called him eccentric, queer, and cranky; but the old man went steadily on refilling his can of oil when it became empty, and oiled the hard places he found." Mrs. Charles E. Cowman, Streams in the Desert

He was bringing a little sunshine into the lives of others by doing his part. Bringing sunshine is a lot like giving hope. The oil of good cheer to the downhearted is bringing sunshine into their life. It's giving hope to one who's hopeless, that needs a little help.

"Behind the cloud the starlight lurks, Through showers the sunbeams fall;
For God, who loveth all his works Has left his hope with all!" John Greenleaf Whittier (1807-1892)

"The word which God has written on the brow of every man is hope." Victor Hugo (1802-1885)

"The word hope I take for faith; and indeed hope is nothing else but the constancy of faith." John Calvin (1509-1564)

What extraordinary thing will you accomplish today by giving hope to another! "Hope" goes a long way.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

He is Always Close

                  These two doves were pretty puffed up as they sat on the branch passing the day.

"To increase your happiness . . . randomly wish for somebody else to be happy." Chade-meng Tan

I received a letter from a woman I worked with back in the 80s. We had lost touch a few years when she moved to Delaware. I sent her a birthday card and asked her to write. I was thrilled when the thick envelope arrived with her handwriting.

                 Passed a nice red barn in my drive around on snowy lanes the other morning.

I met her when I moved to another department at Bell Atlantic back in the 80s. I soon discovered we shared the love of Jesus and as friendship began, we spent many years of enjoying each other.

Her difficulties have been many during the last few years and my heart was sad that I wasn't in touch to bring a smile to her face.

Then I remembered the scripture that assured my mind God had not lost touch. "The Lord is close to the broken hearted; he rescues those whose spirit is crushed." Psalm 34:18

                                  I could drive around on snow covered lanes all day!

Our broken heart leads us to the abundant life, as we seek him to wipe away our tears. We discover infinite depths of His love as we let Him heal our sorrows.

                               A beaver (or two) did their professional work on this tree.

"I want to scale the utmost height And catch a gleam of glory bright;
But still I'll pray till heav'n I've found, Lord, lead me on to higher ground."

That wonderful song Higher Ground, written by Johnson Oatman, Jr. (1856-1922), certainly pulls your attention to living for Christ. Above is the 4th verse.

          I spotted this skunk along the roadside. When I passed by the scent was light. Thankfully!

So our God is always close by and always ready to help. But He does use our hands. Valentine's Day is next week. Can your hands be used to bring a smile to another's heart?

"To make a valentine God took two shafts of work
And on that wood in love and anguish placed his Son,
Who gave his heart that mine might
Be made new."     Eleanor Whitesides

I've written a nice, long letter to send to my friend. And I sent it in a Valentine to cheer her heart!

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

A Writing I Shall Go

Welcome to my "writing room." It's about 90% organized and ready. Smile with me as I give you a tour and show you some of the things in it that make me smile.
My friend, Susan, and I were talking to our friend, Molly, suggesting she create a place in her home to be her little corner of the world. A special place where she can go and find rest, peace, solitude and inspiration. Where she can pray, meditate, hope and control her thoughts and actions to help her be a Godly woman.

                 I love my new chair and ottoman, a delight I didn't have room for in Maryland.

Whether it's a chair in a corner, a small closet, a window seat or a small room, I believe you'll greatly enrich your life to hide away by yourself and fill your heart and mind in your own little corner of the world.

I'm hoping Molly took our suggestion and now has a special place of her own.

                   I have my note writing posters on the wall to remind me of my service to God.

I was fortunate to have the smallest bedroom in our home in Maryland for my writing room. And with this move, I have another room, a tad bigger, where I can go to be encouraged, write, read and create.

The baskets hold my note writing cards and matted prints. I'm surrounded by those things I enjoy doing.
This ten dollars was the first sale of my note writing book!

  At my desk I have my collection of Eeyore, my favorite storybook character. He and I are kindred spirits. He always makes me smile.

On the side of the bookcase where I sit at the computer is Eeyore, of course, pictures of my desk as a girl with my teddy bear and doll friends, Abby and Jo when we first got them at 12 weeks, a cartoon that says: "My therapy is quite simple; I wag my tail and lick your face until you feel good about yourself again.", two friends eating chocolate that says: "The only thing better than a good friend is a good friend with a box of chocolates.", and a picture of me with my first note writing poster holding my book.

Mom painted the doll and put hair on her; next to her is an angel of Hope, my friend, Karla's "Give Thanks" art and, of course, a fawn (not mine).

The little train I had as a young girl, and my charm bracelet of life.

Faith, Hope & Love is on the little pillow, and the cream throw was a gift from my Sunday School class and has a cross and personalized with Proverbs 11:25. That's my special scripture verse for my note writing ministry.

My friend, Kathy's, snap of a chair in her garden sitting with the hydrangea; a figurine my childhood friend, Linda, gave me when we moved, and a girl friend cupcake, and, yes, that's the birds around the mailbox I posted last week on the side of the book case right where I can see it in my new chair.

I hope you enjoyed my little tour! Now I need to meet and make friends in this new land I've been brought to. For my true happiness comes from fulfilling my gift of note writing to encourage others with the amazing and awesome love and joy that only comes through faith in Christ.

And I'm excited to say we may have found our church home. We visited a number of churches in the area and the last one seems to be the right fit!

" Sweet are the thoughts that savour of content; The quiet mind is richer than a crown." Robert Greene (1558-1592)

Coping With Change

" Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;  do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you ...