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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

The Agony of Moving, Part 2

It's been two weeks since those two dreadful days of moving into our new home ended. Nerves have settled and we're going about unpacking and sorting fairly calmly. But let me tell you about the day after our move in.

The house was full of boxes, as I'm sure each one of you have experienced before. My writing room was so full I couldn't unpack anything because there was no place to put anything. I couldn't even walk into the closet.

The only boxes I could start unpacking were for the kitchen. I knew my dream of having everything upstairs so I wouldn't have to go downstairs was not to be.

Late afternoon Jerry got a call from one of his friends asking what he could do to help. In less than an hour, Jacob brought three others with him and they very quickly took 40 some boxes downstairs. There were those tears of joy again.

After that day, little by little, the living room and writing room started to take shape.

But not without injury.

It was a happy day when the Comcast technician knocked on our door and brought Internet and cable back into our lives. He put new wire both inside and outside down to the road. It felt so good to log on once again.

Abby and Jo are enjoying their new yard.

Only found one thing broken so far, and one of Jerry's airplanes had a crash landing.

The other day we went to get our driver's license and were rejected. The identification we brought wasn't good enough for them and we had to send away for just the right certificates and cards. Once the new ones are received, hopefully they'll grant us driving privileges in the state of PA.

We have another resident living in our home, and it loves the girls treats! I hear it in the middle of the night, and this morning I actually saw it walk across the stove. Jerry promises me that he will give it a good home. We can't afford to feed another resident with the girls treats! They don't like to share.

Christmas found one scene of decorations this year. I was way too tired to even think about putting out decorations. But this small poinsettia and candle, and the snowman and deer scene kept me smiling on Christmas day! Couldn't get the light to work right for the picture. I enjoyed the scene all Christmas Day!

The new year will be here soon. We'll be starting a whole new life in the country. I'll be on the lookout for new beginnings! The agony of moving has ended! (Well, that is when Jerry finally gets that mouse!)

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

The Agony of Moving

                                                 A joyful beginning to a frustrating day.

Wouldn't it sound better if I titled this post: "The Joy of a Move"? All the decisions, planning, packing, settlement and moving the contents out of our house fell into place just about perfectly. But what an adventure its been when we arrived in Brookville!

An unexpected snow storm had passed through Brookville dumping 7 inches of snow on the land. Flurries were still floating around and did all afternoon the day we arrived by noon.

The mover's tractor trailer arrived soon after we did, and a plow truck was called to clear the way up to the house. There was 2 inches of ice under the freshly, fallen snow.

The tractor trailer started in and got stuck, so a big tow truck was called to pull them out. It was a little hairy there for awhile.

When the tractor trailer was pulled free it parked on the other side of the road, and Jerry went to rent a large U-Haul truck. The shuttle began.

Then, to our wondering eyes, a couple Jerry is friends with arrived with this delicious New England Stew and homemade apple pie! There were tears of joy!

The movers moved our load from the tractor trailer to the U-Haul to the house and back again to load up. Night fell quickly, and they wanted to go home. Their office wanted them to stay overnight, and we offered to put them up at the Quality Inn, but they refused. So back they went to Maryland with all our things. They did bring in our bed. The house was empty otherwise.

So Jerry, me and the girls went to bed together, all in one bed, all night. I wish I'd had my camera so I could have gotten a snap of us!

After a good, but tight sleep we awoke to our winter wonderland. I decided it was a new day. Our belongings would be here in the afternoon.

The seller said the house would be clean and empty (it wasn't when we settled the week before). So I was not pleased when I opened the refrigerator door and saw this"

And we soon discovered there were a lot of little things that needed repair and cleaning. If you've read earlier posts you know I'd never seen the house in person, only pictures. Jerry beware!

The movers arrived early afternoon and started bringing our items into the house. It was a long day.

But to brighten our day a lovely bouquet of flowers was delivered! Our friends, Barry and Kim sent them. They couldn't have arrived at a more perfect time.

And just when we thought the last load would be unloaded, the driver decided to come up thru the grass and got the U-Haul stuck. It was a very long day.

When all was said and done that night, we both agreed the house had potential and we love the extra land, not being as close to neighbors and the house farther from the road.

The moving in was done. The unpacking begun.

Stay tune for part 2!

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Traveling Along

Later this morning we'll be driving the road to our new home. I can't believe it's really happening. And God has been with us every step of the way.

Tomorrow morning I'll walk into my new home and see it for the very first time. I've seen pictures and a pencil layout, but I haven't put my foot through the front door to see it in person.

I'll enjoy its presence for about an hour and then we leave again to come home. Our home for the last 31 years. Our only home as a married couple.

December 14th is our 31st anniversary and we'll celebrate it in our new home. Starting a new life in a new area during this season of years.

Please pray for us these next few weeks. We're not young chickens anymore. But our batteries are still going and we'll do our best while making this move.

 In Sunday School this past Sunday we were led to Malachi 4, verse 2: "But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves." I don't think we'll be frolicking like calves, but we'll give it our best try!

Here we go!

Coping With Change

" Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;  do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you ...