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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Brilliance of Fall

This tree sits directly behind a house. I had to walk in the back yard to be able to get a snap. I just love the hammock tied to the tree. You can see some of the leaves on the hammock that have fallen.

Last Saturday morning I took a drive to find fall color. I wasn't disappointed! It was everywhere, and beautiful. I drove east and roamed around on familiar and unfamiliar roads. What a great morning!

I drove around to the other side of the house above to take a picture, and I was surprised to see the difference in color on the west side. Nevertheless, it was still beautiful!

Following are some of the snaps I took.

          I enjoyed seeing this fountain grass in fall color. It was a nice display with the white fence.

 Bright yellows are so pretty to see!
I thought this house front was well dressed for fall!
Passed many landscapes with brilliant color!
This pond is just across the street from our house.
So many roads were alive with color like this one!
I first saw the underside of this tree and liked it!
The lane to a farm was nicely dressed.
Saw this horse on a hillside beside this flaming tree.
Liked this tree with the rail fence.
This last snap is one of my favorites from a previous year.

They lined a lane for about 300 yards. This was a scene I saw several roads away and I went searching for it.

Fall. A lovely time of year. After all the glory of spring and summer flowers, warm temperatures and sunny skies, God brings fall with brilliant color and cooler temperatures. I love every season of the year. I'm not liking the cold of winter as I use too, but the symbolism of pure snow that covers our sin still thrills my soul!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

One of My FavoriteThings

We had our first fire Saturday evening when the temperatures were headed down. I've been enjoying that fire for about 30 years now and always look forward to the warmth of it's flames.
Friends. Are you one? Do you have a friend? William James (1842-1910) said: "Wherever you are, it is your friends who make your world."

We all have family, and a few of us have enjoyed families as God's gift, but many of us don't have good memories or relationships in our families. That's why friend's are so important to me. They fill the gap where my blood relations end.

"The happiest miser on earth is the man who saves up every friend he can make." Robert Emmet Sherwood (1896-1955)

Some of you might remember this snap taken on my 55th birthday when I had a "Celebration of Friends" party to honor the friends in my life. What a picture of lovely women! My story today is about Rachel, set apart by the heart around her face.

Monday morning I had the joy of visiting with my friend, Rachel. If you know me, you know I love my friends. They're one of the best gifts God has given me through all ages of my life. That party was on a beautiful day and honored my beautiful friends! One from elementary school through all the years up to that birthday.

I met Rachel in a Sunday School class and we've been friends ever since. She writes notes too, and I love to find one of her notes in the mail. Older by 10 years, Rachel is a mature Christian who I love to talk with. Rachel and I had a wonderful time talking and sharing about life. I floated home, filled with love and joy.

I still try and meet each friend at least two times a year, although I'm getting a little slower as the years go by.  Each friend brings a different flavor of joy into my life.

Have you ever celebrated your friends? Have you let them know how precious they are to you? As we've all heard, you must be a friend to get a friend.

When you have a friend, just the thought of her/him can impress your mind with goodness and comfort.

I mentioned the song "Friends" last week written by Michael W. Smith and Deborah D. Smith. I agree completely with the chorus:  "And friends are friends forever, If the Lord's the Lord of them And a friend will not say never 'Cause the welcome will not end."

So I encourage you to celebrate your friends. It will be a time you'll never forget! Thank you, God, for my friends.

And most wonderful of all is said very well by Oswald Chambers (1874-1917), the author of My Utmost for His Highest, who said: "The dearest friend on earth is a mere shadow compared with Jesus Christ." And that's the truth!

This lovely scene is one of my favorites! It was a beautiful, sunny day, and I just happened along to find it. That delightful serendipity experience!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Still Standing

And I don't mean my knees, although I'm coming along ok. I'm still standing for Jesus.

The other afternoon I was taken down memory lane through a new DVD. We Will Stand celebrates 40 years of Contemporary Christian music. I was saved in '78, and all this began in the 70's.

Most of the artists helped me grow in my faith as I listened too and sung the songs. There are 40 songs on the DVD and most are sung by the original artists. That means I'm not the only one who's 40 years older. We may be weary but we're still going strong!

Artists such as Steven Curtis Chapman, Amy Grant, Steve Green, Sandi Patty, The Imperials and Michael W Smith. Some I saw in concert back then. I had some tears in my eyes as I listened too Trumpet of Jesus, He's Alive and Friends.

I thought about the friends I had during that season of my life. The church I attended as a new Christian. The fellowship I enjoyed in the Single's Ministry. Only one friend do I still have contact with. We've sent notes once a month for all these years.

I was a young 28 when my heart accepted Christ. November 14, (there's 14 again), I'll celebrate 37 years of living a life dedicated to Christ. There's been many heart breaks along the way, but my God has always seen me through.

That's the book, above, that tells the story behind the songs, record deals and artists that sung them. I may have to pick that up. I enjoy reading how songs get their start.

Yes, I'm still standing, and expect too, until the day I die or get swept up in the air by my Savior. My heart breaks as I see America slowly die as God is taken out of the nation. But I will remain standing and hope you will too!

. . . . . . . . October 14, 2011 - October 14, 2015. Retired. I'm still amazed to be retired. You know, you go through your working years and usually say, "I'll never be able to retire." But it happens!

It's still taken a long time to slow down. I don't think every minute that I should be doing something. I can relax and be refreshed and feel satisfied.

I still love the wall hanging I picked up at the Boyds Bear store in Gettysburg:

I think it's time for some hot chocolate and a piece of my chocolate chip coffee cake!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Fresh Mornings

We had lunch at Gladchuk Bros. restaurant yesterday in Frederick. I loved their fall color display. The sun was bright and overshadowed the mums lower left, but they were just as lovely as the ones in the wagon.

I was introduced to a song, new to me, that I heard Sunday morning. Mercies Anew was written in 2001 by Mark Altrogge and Bob Kauflin, and I love the words!

When I awake each morning and have my first conscious thought of God, I immediately thank Him for His mercies. Most of us our aware of the Scripture in Lamentations 3:22-23 which says: "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions [mercy] never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."

The first verse of Mercies Anew speaks to that:

"Every morning that breaks, There are mercies anew
Every breath that I take Is your faithfulness proved
And at the end of each day When my labors are through
I will sing of Your mercies anew."

Charles Spurgeon said: "His mercy is unfailing. It will never . . . leave you . . . If mercy is your friend, it will be with you when you are tempted not to yield to the Lord and when you are in deep trouble, to keep you from sinking. It will always be with you to be the light and life of your countenance and to be the joy of your soul when, earthly comfort is quickly fading."  He also said: "His mercy is tender . . . infinite . . . underserved . . . effective . . . diverse and abundant."  August 17th devotion in Look Unto Me: The devotions of Charles Spurgeon, edited by Jim Reimann

"I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever." Psalm 52:8

Chorus: "And Your mercies, they will never end For ten thousand years they'll remain
And when this world's beauty has passed away Your mercies will be unchanged"

If you haven't heard this song, or it's been awhile, enjoying listening to it again and sing along.

Why don't you take a few moments and meditate on God's mercies in your life. I think you'll soon be singing: "I will sing of Your mercies anew"!

                                                                    Fall is in the air!


"Your Word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." Psalm 119:105 Stephen Darbishire, Louises Favourite Pictures Facebook page ...