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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Vermont? Yes. Vermont

Before Jerry and I married 29 years ago, I mapped out a trip to Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine. It was a trip I was excited to go on!

But then I met Jerry, and I planned a wedding -- not go on a trip to Vermont. I've never lost the desire to visit Vermont. We did make it to Maine in '89, but a trip to Vermont never materialized.

                                                  Still blooming . . .

Sometime this year I wrote a list of things I wanted to do before I died. Visiting Vermont was one of my desires.

I was scheduled to take a few nights away this fall. Jerry went away in June and we agreed I'd go away in the fall. With Mom living with us, and the pups and Sam to care for, it was easier to take separate time away.

                                                Still blooming . . .

During the summer I thought about Lancaster, Hershey and Ohio of possible places to visit. I enjoy those areas greatly. That is until two weeks ago when the three of us were returning home from lunch in Emmitsburg.

"Go to Vermont," was spoken in my head. "Go to Vermont?" I thought. Where did that come from? I hadn't been thinking about Vermont at all. But the rest of the afternoon I pondered the possibility and that evening, when I told Jerry, he said ok.

Ever since then I've been planning the trip. I'll be visiting the southern part of Vermont coming in at Bennington. I'm splurging and staying in a B&B for the two nights I'll be in Vermont. The B&B is the home of Norman Rockwell, and it's just above the red covered bridge and white church that is so famously photographed.

I'm driving. Alone. I'll have my Booth Brother's CD, as well as Steve Green and John Starnes, and a few others to keep me company on the 9 to 10 hour drive.

                                                Still blooming . . .

Mom and Sam will get a vacation too, staying with friends for the week. Jerry will care for the pups and eat ribs from the Amish market. He's still not completely well from the pain in his back, so we're hoping he'll be feeling much better by the time I leave.

Another dream comes true this year of my 65th birthday. Two puppies in February; a new car and gaining health insurance in March, and a new camera this month (before I ever knew I'd be visiting the  beautiful place of my dreams).

       These two were giving me the eye as they watch over the little one sleeping on Wilson's Farm.

There won't be a new blog post next week because I'll be driving the back roads of Vermont, admiring mountains, lakes, covered bridges and wild life. Route 100 is one of the most scenic routes in America, says Reader's Digest.

Say a prayer for me as God brings me to mind. I've driven long distances before -- 35 to 40 years ago. But as my friend, Jackie, recently wrote to me: "I'm absolutely thrilled about your upcoming trip . . . and proud of you for pursuing a dream and having the courage to step out on your own and follow your heart."

                                                   Still blooming . . .

Psalm 37:4 says: "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." Thank you, Father!"

                                           Abby and Jo wishing they were outside the gate!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

A Very Big Word!

                 A quiet evening in the back yard. Only geese would have made it better.

"The days are hard, and your spirit is low, but there is a hope in your soul that never diminishes, and has the power to lift your spirit and comfort your heart. I know you have this incredible hope inside of you."

Those words are one of the thoughts God gave me to encourage others in my note writing. Hope. That four letter word that will inspire, comfort, cheer, strengthen and encourage. And all those who know Christ as Lord and Savior have it.

One of it's definitions is to believe or trust. But when times are hard, it's easy to overlook the power hope can bring to our life.

                                        September in the garden. Still a delight to look at!

In Charles Spurgeon's February 25th devotion in "Look Unto Me." he wrote these words as he commented on the Scripture verse "My hope comes from Him." Psalm 62:5: "What a privilege for a believer to be able to say these words . . . if he looks to God to supply his needs . . . he may continually make withdrawals from the riches of God's loving-kindness."

A believer's hope is powerful and permanent. I like the hymn, "My Faith Looks Up to Thee." The third verse says: "While life's dark maze I tread, And griefs around me spread, Be Thou my guide; Bid darkness turn to day, Wipe sorrow's tears away, Nor let me ever stray From Thee aside."  Ray Palmer, 1808-1887

                                                                     "Hi Dad."

Friends, I know you have this incredible hope inside you. Turn to it always for it never diminishes. If you can't claim these words, I urge you to turn to the one who provides this hope, Jesus.

I write these words because I know they are true. I know they refresh, encourage and comfort, and direct your thoughts to the One who never fails us. Draw up your hope! It never wavers. It never fails.

"Hope the balm and life blood of the soul." John Armstrong, 1709-1779

"The word hope I take for faith; and indeed hope is nothing else but the constancy of faith." John Calvin, 1509-1564

                                                                       "Mom, help!"

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

A "Free" Weekend!

   You can see the young buck on the left side. Two doe were behind it.  I like the fawn with the stone wall.

We had a "free" weekend this past weekend. A weekend without mother. Hope that doesn't sound unfeeling or selfish. I think the three of us get along ok since she came to live with us two years ago. I'm sure all of us have times that aren't great, but so far it's working out.

I use to have "free" days when I worked. When it snowed and the office was closed, it would be a "free" day. I could do whatever I wanted too, and sometimes that was just sitting by the window watching the snow fall. Drinking hot chocolate, of course.

               I snapped this group a few weeks ago. It's one of my favorite spots to see deer.

We had a few plans for the\is "free" weekend, but Jerry woke up not feeling well Saturday morning. He'd been having trouble with his back all week, and his stomach wasn't well either. So it quickly became a stay at home weekend. His stomach now seems to be fine, but he's being very careful with his back and what he does.

Friday I went to Best Buy and bought a new camera. The one I've had for four years needed repair. I had sent it to the manufacturer once before for a different problem, and just decided at four years old I'd like a new one. I bought a Nikon. My first one.

I've been through them all: Brownie,  Polaroid, Instamatic, Olympus, Minolta, and Canon. All of them served me well. Now the Nikon. Lest I sound rich, it's a little point and shoot, and it was on sale.

 I had a difficult time focusing in on these deer and only had two snaps turn out, and not great. Haven't had that much trouble focusing on similar snaps with my previous camera.

I went out Saturday morning with my new camera for a fawn shoot. Jerry was home letting the pups take care of him. Things weren't going well. I had a number of opportunities to take pictures, but the camera wasn't focusing, the pictures were fuzzy and the weight of the camera didn't feel good. I later decided the body was too light for the longer zoom lens.

I worked with it the rest of Saturday and into Sunday, and I did get some nice pictures. But the fit just wasn't right for me. So Monday I went back to Best Buy and upgraded to another Canon PowerShot. I'm thrilled. It doubled and more my zoom capabilities, and I'm very familiar with how to work it. The snap below is the last one I took with the Nikon.

 I was out back Sunday evening still working with the camera, and saw this buck wanting to come to the  back gate to eat. There's a lane between the short grass and the bushes on the other side. He decided he'd come again another time, turning and walking off.

Labor Day weekend marked the end of my fawn shoot for this season. I've been out most Saturday mornings in July and August from 6 to 8. I've gotten a fair number of good snaps to enjoy. Especially the fawn nursing! I'll have to wait until next year for this fun and refreshing time to return once again.

 I did get this refreshing snap Saturday morning. Wish they all could have turned out like this one!

Mom returned Monday evening and brought us back to the routine of life. But I know one day I'll get another "free" weekend! Maybe next time Jerry won't be in pain!


"Your Word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." Psalm 119:105 Stephen Darbishire, Louises Favourite Pictures Facebook page ...