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Monday, December 30, 2013

Call Back in 2014

We are now in the last days of 2013. A new year, a new anticipation, a fresh new beginning is about to begin.

The December 19th devotion in that much loved and sought after devotional, Streams in the Desert, spoke about a much loved poem I believe was written by Edgar A. Guest, although I'm not sure. I have one of Guest's books, but can't remember where it is and if I saw the poem in there.

Anyway . . . for the Christian, hearing and reading about men and women of faith, through the centuries, is a great learning opportunity. And YOUR life can be the life that helps draw your family and friends to a fuller life of faith.

So this new year, please join me and "call back" how God has seen you through the years, and the amazing things you've learned in following Him. I hope this poem inspires you to share with others.

"If you have gone a little way ahead of me, call back--
'Twill cheer my heart and help my feet along the stony track;
And if, perchance, Faith's light is dim, because the oil is low,
Your call will guide my lagging course as wearily I go.

"Call back, and tell me that He went with you into the storm;
Call back, and say He kept you when the forest's roots were torn,
That, when the heavens thunder and the earthquake shook the hill,
He bore you up and held you where the very air was still.

"Oh, friend, call back, and tell me for I cannot see your face;
They say it glows with triumph, and your feet bound in the race;
But there are mists between us and my spirit eyes are dim,
And I cannot see the glory, though I long for word of Him.

"But if you'll say He heard you when your prayer was but a cry,
And if you'll say He saw you through the night's sin-darkened sky--
If you have gone a little way ahead, oh, friend, call back--
'Twill cheer my heart and help my feet along the stony track."

"Life is a steep climb, and it does the heart good to have somebody 'call back' and cheerily beckon us on up the high hill . . ."  "If anyone among us has found anything worthwhile, we ought to 'call back.'" Mrs. Charles E. Cowman

My friends, He went with me into the storm and kept me when my roots were torn; He bore me up and held me close when the earthquake shook my heart; He heard me when my prayers were but a cry, and He saw me through the night's sin-darkened sky. My face glows with triumph and my feet continues the race. My God is FAITHFUL, you CAN trust Him to see you through!

As you get ready to begin 2014, I hope you will "call back" to fellow believers and tell them how God has seen you through as you've walked with Him.

The snaps are some of my favorites from 2013.

Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

That Encouraging Word

This weekend, when you attend worship services at your church, whether you are excited about the coming Christmas celebrations or hurting and discouraged about the festivities to come, look around and you will see someone whose heart needs encouraging. There are always people who are hurting at this season of the year.

Bring with you an extra baked treat, your smile, or an invitation to Christmas Eve festivities or Christmas dinner. Even a small inexpensive gift, wrapped beautifully will delight a hurting someone.

Can you recall a time when you were hurting and discouraged, and someone came up to you and offered cheer? I sure do! And it was that invitation to Christmas dinner, and that invitation to attend Christmas Eve services, and that delicious homemade treat that helped me through hard Christmases.

Even with a house full of family, inviting that one person who needs encouraging to share it with you will make a difference.

The heart of Christmas is giving, and the most perfect gift is Jesus. He comes in many forms, and is always perfect. Your hands are His to share!

So look around you this year, at coworkers, neighbors, friends, check out workers at your favorite store, and give that special touch to light the heart of someone.

This delicious cake, which is all gone, was a pleasant surprise as Jerry and I celebrated our anniversary at the Country Cupboard in Lewisburg, PA last Friday. It was a lovely day for a long drive to a favorite dining and shopping establishment. Even Mom was happy to be there!

As I've encouraged you to give that special touch, I'll be doing the same thing this week to those who need a touch of God's encouragement. And while you're at it, how about a special note, or a friendly word to your pastor who stands before you every week and teaches God's Word. Each Sunday I'm filled with God's truth, knowing my pastor has studied and prayed about the message he brings.

Turn up your Christmas music, write that encouraging note, bake that delicious treat, make that cheerful telephone call, and make Christmas a happier time for someone else. You have the best gift of all in your heart. Share it with someone with a smile!

Some of the snaps are from the Country Cupboard which was deliciously decorated; some from the beautiful snows of last week, and some miscellaneous occasions. Did you see those two squirrels on the back gate during the snow storm? They were stocking up on the corn we put out for the deer.

A very merry and happy Christmas to all of you as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Gardens at Longwood

Last week I was delighted to visit Longwood Gardens with Jerry and Mom. It had been several years since I had the pleasure to experience their Christmas display. Longwood Gardens is in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, about 2 1/2 hours from our home. We also enjoyed lunch in their restaurant. It was a lovely excursion!

This post will share some of the snaps I took during this visit. And for many of you that have enjoyed the beauty of Longwood Gardens in person, may these pictures awaken your memory of the beauty and delight you saw when you were there.

Mom purchased the large and beautiful Longwood Gardens Christmas book, which is a complete book of the beginnings of Longwood Gardens by the du Pont family, and history of their lives. I just began reading it last evening, and I must share this reading with you that definitely made me smile!

It's a letter Pierre du Pont wrote to his wife's father when he asked for Alice's hand in marriage: "Alice said that she would tell you that she has consented to share my lot in life but I do want her consent to have your approval. No man can claim to merit the sacrifice that a woman must make in marrying but he can promise to do all in his power to compensate her for what she gives. This promise I give, may I be capable of carrying it into effect!"

And on that note, a very happy 28th anniversary to Jerry and me!

Hope you've enjoyed the beauty!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

December Again

When the calendar turns over to December, what are your thoughts? "I can't believe Christmas is here again?" "Another year almost over. "I hate Christmas!" "Oh no, it's going to snow soon." "I love Christmas!" "It's so good to go home!" "Do I have to go home again?"

December certainly brings about many different feelings. I've experienced the gamut of feelings at Christmas time through my life. The thing that helps me the most is remembering that I control my feelings and expectations.

Christmas is a wonderful time of the year! Whether your family is happy or sad, angry or loving, you can still discover the joy of Christmas in your own heart. If you focus on what's important and not other people, the joy inside of you can celebrate! It may not be easy, but it is possible.

"Christmas began in the heart of God. It is complete only when it reaches the heart of man." unknown

"Though Christ a thousand times in Bethlehem be born, If he's not born in thee thy soul is still forlorn. " Angelus Silesius (1624-1677)

I like this verse from the hymn "All That Thrills My Soul":  "Love of Christ so freely given, Grace of God beyond degree, Mercy higher than the heaven, Deeper than the deepest sea!

I was reminded recently of a favorite passage in the Old Testament--the story of Jehoshaphat, king of Judah. He was a man of God who sought the Lord for direction, and led as God instructed. (2  Chronicles 20)

The part I read that encourages my heart is: "We do not know what to do but our eyes are upon you" . . . "All the men, with their wives and children and little ones, stood before the Lord." (verse 13)

We have to wait for many things in this life, and God wants us to be filled with joy as we wait. Joy comes in the waiting, and we must keep our eyes on Jesus.

And so it is at Christmas time. Whatever state you find your emotions in as we go through the month of December, keep your eyes upon Jesus. As you go through each day of this special season, stand with the Lord, with your joy in Him, knowing He controls all things and you will find sweet peace to share with others.

Let this December and Christmas be a happy and joyful one.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Dream Along

Recently I've been pondering dreams. My dreams. Things I still want to do in this life. This may be why, while shopping at Wegmens (who has everything and more than a grocery store should), I picked up some magazines I normally would not have purchased.

This city girl loves the country, and I'm so glad I've lived in the country for 28 years. One of my favorite things is sitting in the back yard early on a summer morning and hearing a rooster crow. With our house being right on a major thoroughfare, most other seasons of the year I can't hear the rooster. But a refreshing summer morning, especially on Saturdays and Sundays, I hear one. And it makes me smile!

I've often mentioned to Jerry that it would be fun to have a few chickens and a rooster. I've always said this knowing it would never be. But recently I've been considering why not? Of course, I know nothing about having chickens or a rooster, so when I saw this magazine, "Chickens from Hobby Farms" in the store I picked it up.

Do I have any chicken and rooster friends out there? Are you familiar with raising them and keeping them on your property?

Just a dream . . .

One animal I know I will never raise is a cow. I know when something is out of my reach, and a cow definitely is. But it didn't stop me from picking up a magazine about them! (Countryside & Small Stock Journal)

I love taking pictures of cows and calves. A pastoral scene is so inviting and comforting. I'm definitely going to read the article titled "Management on a Small Acreage." I know, I only have one acre, but I can still dream.

I should plan a vacation at one of those farms where you can work the farm. Last year at the South Mountain Creamery (see Milk Time, October 24, 2012 post) I bottle-fed calves for the very first time! What a thrill it was--a day to remember!

Every day at 4 p.m. you can bottle-feed calves. The creamery is in Middletown, Maryland, just outside of Frederick. A worker drives up and places a bottle outside each stall. You just go from one to the next one and so on. After feeding four calves my arms were reminding me that I'm a city girl with no muscles.

They also have the cutest little ice cream cones at their shop!

I also picked up Blue Ridge Country magazine while shopping, and the article "What are Photos For?" caught my eye. The starting sentence in the article says: "One thing they're for, upon looking back, is showing you 'What's Beautiful to your Eyes and Heart.'" And so it is. As the author, Elizabeth Hunter said: "These photos are a road map to my life. They show you what's beautiful to your eyes and heart . . . Taking the photographs, I understood, was offering and acknowledgment, a bow to the wonder of it all."

I've been taking pictures all my life. I love the feeling and memories I have when I see old snaps and remember when I found the scene and snapped it. And, once I went from film to digital, another whole world opened up to me. The joy of snapping God's creation, and knowing it's His creation, brings a feeling of joy and thankfulness.

Last, but not least, I picked up the magazine: "Pennsylvania." With a covered bridge on the cover how could I pass it up? A few years ago, Jerry and I visited Bedford County, not far from Breezewood, where we go occasionally to eat and shop. The country store in Bob Evans is full of treasures!

We took the driving tour there of nine covered bridges, including a side trip to Gravity Hill (which is a very interesting place).
"Have you ever wanted to defy gravity? Located in the suburbs of New Paris, PA (South Central Pennsylvania)... Gravity Hill is a phenomenon. Cars roll uphill and water flows the wrong way. It's a place where gravity has gone haywire. There is no fee to venture onto Gravity Hill. It is, quite simply, a road in a remote corner of Bedford County."

No matter how old we are, we can still dream. We should dream. God has opened the door of His universe for our enjoyment, and in it we see the greatest of His creation. So dream on my friend. You are still living. God is still providing.

Now, let me get back to those chickens and you start dreaming!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

There's a Reason

Recently I was down with a virus and it afforded me some time to listen to CDs I hadn't heard in awhile. I want to share the words of three songs Kim Hopper sings on her CD "I Just Wanted You to Know."
Brothers and sisters in Christ; co-laborers with me in the Lord's work, let your hearts be encouraged for all your effort and sacrifice down here on earth, until we go home to heaven.

Well Done, Well Done, by Cindy Morgan

"One step then two, then a million more, Sunday morning you, walked the old wood floor,
To lift a song to heaven, and let the praises ring, Let Him use your life, and heard the choir sing,

"Well done, well done, dear faithful one, Though the mountains were steep, Now the race is run,
See the Father smile, Father and the Son, Well done, well done, dear faithful one.

"When pain is deep, and grief is great, And it's hard to make it through the day,
Walk onward soldier for the gospel truth, For the crown and the glory, is waiting there for you.

"One fine day, when time is through, And you journey on to a land brand new,
To shout Hallelujah, as you step through the gates, And feel the Saviour's arms, and hear the angel choir say,

"Well done, well done, dear faithful one, Though the mountains were steep, Now the race is run,
See the Father smile, Father and the Son, Well done, well done, dear faithful one."

"That Sounds Like Heaven to Me" by Paula Stefanovich, is where I set my sights, knowing I'll soon move on to a mansion on high.

"Lord, I thank you for this world of so much beauty, The glory of your handiwork I see.
The magnitude of what you have created, All the splendor ... well it still amazes me.
But you've prepared another place for those who love you. A Holy city, on a hill so far away.
And when I think about that land, I can't get use to, Living here, where I know I will not stay.
With all the stories of heaven I've been told, Every now and then Lord I just want to go ...
Where the crystal river flows, by streets of pure gold, Mansions bright and fair, none can compare.
My eyes now long to see, my loved ones waiting for me, Through all eternity ... that sounds like heaven to me.
A place where hate and suffering won't be found, Lamb and lion, side by side, lay down.
Oh, the beauty that my eyes shall behold, I can't imagine that the half has not been told.
Where all the saints bow down, and give up their crowns, Lay them at your feet ... sounds like heaven to me.
Around your throne of grace, every tongue every race, Will kneel in unity ... that sounds like heaven to me.
A celebration rings ... giving praise to the King ... And all the angels sing ... Holy ... Holy.
Around your golden throne, praises go on and on, You reign in majesty ... that sounds like heaven to me."

When you find yourself ill or recouperating from surgery, it's a perfect time to immerse yourself in our Lord. My short time of feeling bad was turned to the happy knowledge that I'm a child of the King, and one day soon will receive a glorious presense in heaven.

Until that time, I'm sure your words match mine as this last song so aptly says . . .

"I Just Wanted You to Know" by Kyla Rowland

"Where there is fear, Lord you will hide me, When wind of danger around me blows,
I feel your arms of grace surround me And I just wanted you to know.

"There's strength in knowing you are near me, And peace that you alone bestow,
I love you more today than ever, And I just wanted you to know.

"You make dry ground, where once were oceans, Where once were mountains, you make them low,
Where there were stones, now there is water, You satisfy my thirsty soul.

"For all the times I've seen your glory, And watched you conquer my every foe,
My love for you is overflowing, And I just wanted you to know."

March on faithful one. Be strong and courageous, for we serve a great King!

And if by chance you don't know Jesus and don't have the hope of a loving Savior or heavenly home, God's Word can show you the way. It's real. It's true. It's available. You just have to ask to receive Jesus, and accept His free gift of salvation.

It's amazing!

I saw the clouds in the top picture one morning after letting Aspen out. Little dots of clouds all over the sky. The eagle snaps were taken the other week at Conowingo Dam. The barn below I found out riding around.


"Your Word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." Psalm 119:105 Stephen Darbishire, Louises Favourite Pictures Facebook page ...