In a fiction book I read recently, I was reminded God made the heart, and He can fix it. I failed to note which book it was, but it was a series by Tracie Peterson and Judith Pella.
"To know Him is to love and obey Him. It is to trust Him even when the way is unclear and all hope is gone . . . To trust Him even when your heart is broken . . . especially when it is broken . . . For where else may you take your broken heart, if not to Him who made it in the first place?"
God created every part of our human body, and that includes the heart. When our heart is broken, He is the one who can bring healing, and repair the broken parts. I'm not sure if I've heard it expressed quite that way before. I like it.
I have no regrets for the life I left behind. Oh, to be sure, there's been a lot of heartbreak. There's been a lot of difficulties. There's been a lot of sorrow. Yet, as I've just written above, my God made me, and He knows best how to care for my heart.
My heart has also enjoyed happiness, joy, laughter, dreams come true, love and friendship. Suffering and joy go hand in hand.
Psalm 73, ascribed to Asaph, deals with the question: How can an infinitely powerful God be good and still allow the wicked to appear to prosper and the righteous to be in want? I especially like verse 26 which reads: "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."
Today, November 14th, is a very special day! I celebrate 34 years of new life in Christ. I still remember that Tuesday evening in 1978 when I went forward during a revival service and asked Jesus to come into my heart. That day began a life of living for Jesus, for His purpose, for His glory and for His service.
Yes, God made my heart. Sometimes it's happy, sometimes it's sad. Sometimes it's filled with joy, sometimes it cries. One thing I'm very sure of . . . God knows my heart. I'm very safe in His care!

I recently purposed the DVD "
The Best of the Booth Brothers" from the Gaither Homecoming Series. Clips of their best-loved performances on the Homecoming stage with interviews between each song. Dear me, I think "
The Boys" have been replaced. (See my September 5, 2012 post.)
Serious, fun, thought-provoking and happy! What a way to prepare for bed! Listening to them sing such songs as "Then I Met the Master," "In Christ Alone" and "Look For Me At Jesus' Feet" has been very enjoyable. It does my heart good.
I love it when God surprises me! Yesterday afternoon a quick stop in my kitchen found this beautiful scene out the window. It completely surprised me! Last week I noted how I didn't get "the" snap this fall. God provided. I love it! The sun was shining bright, the yellow leaves were ablaze and a lovely snap was discovered!
This snap is from our front yard several years ago. In recent years it hasn't produced the beautiful yellow seen here.