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Friday, April 27, 2012

Mountain Hugs

Jerry likes to say, "the mountains hug me," and I get that feeling too. I've always been a "mountain person," riding around them, walking trails or sitting, enjoying the view.

Recently, Jerry and I began a two week vacation, driving on the Blue Ridge Parkway and around the Great Smoky Mountains, receiving big hugs.

We'd only been on the outskirts of the east side of the Smokys many years ago. This time we visited the western side, staying in the small town of Townsend, which is advertised as the "peaceful" side. Indeed it is.

We passed through Pigeon Forge on our way to Townsend, and couldn't get out of there fast enough. Crowds and commercialism drove us away with no intention of ever going there again.

We enjoyed this stream as we drove to the famous Cades Cove. It was a bright, sunny afternoon and the vehicle traffic was heavy. Evenso, it was an enjoyable ride, inviting us to return for an early morning visit.

I didn't see any wild bears, which is a real desire of mine, but we did see giant turkeys, heard robins sing, and watched the lovely hues of a sunrise over the famous mountain tops.

The sunrise was grand and captivated us as we sat and enjoyed the colors.

The visit was much too short, as our next destination was Franklin, Tennessee, at Ann Downing's annual retreat. I helped sponsor the event and had a table to sell my books, note cards and matted prints.

When we left the Smoky Mountains, my heart was filled with wonder at God's beautiful creation, leaving me with a longing to return to the Great Smoky's for an extended visit.

Taking backroads, we set off for Franklin for the next stop in our vacation. Next post will share about my experience at the retreat.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Foals are Blooming Too!

A few days ago I left home at 7:30 to take a drive to the NE corner of Carroll County. It was a beautiful spring morning, and I was looking for something to snap. After 2 1/2 hours of driving roads and trails I didn't have a lot to show for my time.

I headed back down to Westminster and stopped at the Chick-Fil-A for lunch. Unplanned, I then headed NW of Carrol County for a longer drive home. Shortly after leaving town I came upon a horse farm and four horses were taking a fiesta in the corner of the field. I took a quick glimpse farther back on the farm and thought I saw a mare and foal in the yard.

Turning around I headed down the lane and sure enough, there was the mare and foal. I quickly looked around for someone to ask if I could snap some pictures. A young man was coming my way on a cart with a mature horse. When I told him my request, he said yes, and shared there was a foal in the barn just born that morning.

What a thrill to visit a newborn foal! That's her picture above, and with her Mom below.

The man opened the gate and took me closer to the mare and foal outside (two snaps below). Another thrill. This was his mare. I asked questions and he shared.

On my way out I snapped this horse who was enjoying a rest in the shade.

Beside myself with my good fortune, I continued on. I found this beautiful pond with the pink dogwood and geese sunning themselves.

Following the map so I'd be headed towards home, I came around a bend and found 4 mares and 4 foals on the hillside. One of the foals was having an afternoon of fun, jumping and running around.

Following are snaps of two other mares and colts on the hillside.

It was, indeed, a beautiful day to be out snapping God's creation! This has certainly been my spring for the barnyard--both a sheep barn and a horse barn!

Now, where is that cow barn and that newborn calf!

(Continuing this post a few days later, I did fine a newborn calf with its Mom at Wilson's Farm in Mount Airy! Enjoy her below!)

Monday, April 2, 2012

Will You Sell Out?

Palm Sunday's sermon was about Peter denying Jesus three times. Pastor started the sermon with this question: "What will it take for you to sell out?" I must admit, the question sounded daunting.

My answer, of course, was: "I will never sell out." But Peter did. If he did, I could too. Will I?

Pastor's questions were penetrating: "Have you ever not spoken up when it would have identified you as a follower of Jesus?" "Have you ever given an answer that danced around your convictions?" "Have you ever denied Christ?"

It caused me to consider my strength in Christ, my commitment to Christ, and my life in Christ. I found myself to be strong in these three areas. But Peter was strong.

None of us know what we will do under pressure-filled circumstances. The only way we can combat failure is to spend time in God's Word. There really isn't any other avenue to take if we're going to be strong in our walk for Christ.

From His Word we obtain, truth, strength, and wisdom. He brings scripture verses to us in our time of need. But if we don't read His Word, He won't say anything that we're familiar with. There's no getting around it.

Colin Urquhart said: "If you accept the authority of Jesus in your life, then you accept the authority of His words." You must be familiar with His words before they can impact your life.

Recently I re-read the popular Left Behind series of several years ago. Although the story line is fiction, it was woven between the truth of the Bible after the rapture occurs for all believers. It was a reminder to me to be thankful for my salvation and stand tall for Christ while I'm on this earth.

Will I sell out? I don't think so. But I must be ready to defend myself and stand up for Jesus. After all, look what He did for me. That's what Easter is all about.

Coping With Change

" Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;  do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you ...