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Monday, May 17, 2010

My Little Peonies . . .

Last year about this time, Karla Dornacher posted an article God gave her about a thunder storm and her peony bush. She called it, He Turns Our Sorrows Into Joy, and described how a serious thunderstorm roared through their property and left her beautiful peony bush the worst. ( 9, 2009)

She lovingly brought in the blooms and with some washing and tender care she filled two large vases with beautiful bouquets. God showed her that we sometimes become muddied with thoughts of despair, depression or discontentment and we lose hope... But there is hope, for the Master Gardener reaches down from heaven and gently lifts our heads, washes us and carefully places us in the church bouquet.” (Words and expressions taken from Karla’s article.)

Her story awakened my love of peonies. After sharing her story with Jerry, he surprised me with five peony bushes. We planted them around our yard and hoped we would see blossoms this year.

Even if we only receive this blossom and bud above, my heart will be glad. The picture will remind me of His care, through all circumstances, just like my baby leaves do. (See March 30, 2009 post, titled Baby Leaves)

My thought continues from a devotion I read by Charles Spurgeon speaking from Psalm 30:5, ” ... weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning,” I like these words he shared:

Your head may be crowned with thorny troubles right now, but someday soon it will wear a starry crown. Your hands may be filled with many cares today, but will soon strum the strings of heaven’s harp. Now your garments may be stained with dust and dirt, but soon they will be white. . . What difference does it make that ‘weeping may remain for a night; when ‘rejoicing comes in the morning!’”

My peony bushes will always bring another picture of God’s love to my heart. His Hope. Always

On my drive home the other evening, I spotted two beautiful peony bushes alive with color. The following five snaps were fun to take!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Marching Orders, Sunrises and Poppies . .

The other morning as I was driving to work on PfefferKorn Road, (don't you just love that name), a quiet and slow country road, I saw a family of geese about ready to cross the road. I immediately put on my blinker and pulled onto the grass, grabbed my camera and hopped out the car. I've hoped for an opportunity over the years to take a good picture of geese crossing the road and this was the morning! No other vehicles, green grass, rolling hills and clear skies. What a way to start the day!

Leaving home before 6:45 five mornings a week I have many opportunties to see stunning sunrises. And I have! Caught my breath away! This week I was reviewing old newspapers from where I work as caretaker of the History Room. Back in 2004-2005, Pawnee Camp, singer and writer for God, wrote a column for a season, and I've kept copies of several articles she wrote. She has a magnificant grasp for a good story! Yesterday I came across "Walk in the Wind . . . The Easter I Cherish." Let me share several sentences from that article:

"We settled into our seats. We waited. And then, in a whisper of color, God began to paint the sky just at the horizon before us. Hushed, we watched as He slowly added intensity to the color, and breadth to the expanse of His canvas. Just as a hint of gold washed over the rim of the pine trees lining the horizon, our pastor stepped before us and said, 'Sing!' And we did. 'All creatures of our God and King, lift up your voice and with us sing Alleluial!' A song to God and no one else, as we watched Him paint the morning in lines of hope--a reminder of the resuurection."

Pawnee's story shared her love of sunrise services on Easter mornings. Her description reminded me of all the beautiful sunrises I see. The one below was taken from my front door and is a favorite of mine.

Many years ago before we moved into our home, the original owner, who was a masterful gardner, planted poppies under the oak tree. Every year I enjoy watching them open and bloom. When I was small, I sold handmade poppies around our neighborhood. I recall this memory each year as now, my poppies, blossom.

And the other evening, nestled in with some buttercups, these cows and calves were taking a siesta as mist was falling. Ah, to be snuggled in with no concerns.

The original picture
looked like this:

The magic of photoshop!

Don't miss that next sunrise God sends you! He's the master of all creation!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Filling Your Mind . . .

Last weekend my plans were changed when Jerry came down with a stomach virus. Out went the scheduled day and in came a stay at home day. So I decided it would be a movie marathon weekend.

This doesn’t happen often. I can’t remember the last time I went out to a movie. I just can't justify in my mind going to secular movies for enjoyment. It doesn't seem to fit with "filling my mind with good things." But we have collected favorite movies over the years that we believe are healthy to our mind and inspire good in our hearts.

I chose the Hallmark series “Love Comes Softly” adapted from the book series by the same name, by Janette Oke. Just a few months after I became a Christian, Janette’s first book came out, and I was hooked. Over the course of 30 years, I’ve purchased every book she wrote. To a new Christian who didn’t grow up in a Christian home or taught Christian values, these books were another tool to help me understand the life God would have me live.

As I recall, she pioneered inspirational fiction and is the leading author in the category today. Following is a quote taken from the book, “Janette Oke: A Heart for the Prairie,” written by her daughter, Laurel Oke Logan: “As her writing career blossomed, she tried to picture each one of her books as a little ‘paper missionary.’ It had the potential , through the spirit’s working, to reach a heart crying out for truth and answers somewhere, and she prayed often as she wrote that this would be so.”

Her books provide biblical truths that are important in living successful lives in Christ, and have helped many in the area of prayer, God’s word, and trusting God in times of joy, sorry, grief and trouble. This, indeed, is what I want to fill my mind with!

It was a delightful weekend as I lounged around and enjoyed familiar stories that uplift and inspire. And Jerry enjoyed them too! Along with several dishes of ice cream. Chocolate that is.

Last Friday I spotted the first goslings of the season. I stopped the other morning to take a few snaps.

Coping With Change

" Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;  do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you ...