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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Digital Creative Fun!

My March 3rd post showed a picture, below, of a hand writing, with a beautiful rose and tea cup in it’s scene. It looked magical, and is a lovely picture, so I used it as my desktop to study it for a few days. The more I looked at it, the more I thought, “that’s not me.” So I’ve been working on my own “scene” to inspire me to write.

My scene, below, encompasses all the things that make me smile . . . three Longaberger baskets . . . two teddy bears . . . pink peonies . . . my writing room window . . . my hope pillow . . . a faith, hope and love pillow . . . colorful ink pens . . . my Hershey kiss basket . . . my friend, Eyore . . . and a sheet of Karla Dornacher’s writing paper proclaiming “Bless the Lord, O my soul”! Even the miniature hurricane lamp adds a special touch of illumination. This is me when I sit down to write all those encouraging notes that God lays upon my heart . . . even the hand and arm are mine (thanks to Jerry’s capable snap!).

And what does my pen find to write for this photographic assembly of inspiration? “Dear friend, How wonderful to have a friend like you. Warm and considerate, kind and caring, that’s you!”

The magic of Photoshop! What would I do without it? Each picture was individually snapped so I could place it where I wanted it to make my very own inspirational desktop. The window picture is the scene out my writing room window, and there is a bird at the birdhouse! Hope you enjoy seeing it.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Field of Spring

On my drive home Wednesday I came up over a hill and there it was . . . a field of spring! Baby lambs and a few calves too!

What a prize! I so enjoyed looking at this new life. It was siesta time in Mt. Airy and everyone looked quiet and peaceful.

Hope you enjoy the pictures!

Friday, March 12, 2010

A Stronghold for You . . .

The picture above is my birthday rose from Jerry. Thank you, honey!

Psalm 119 is a glorious psalm. Matthew Henry's Commentary opens with this sentence in regard to the psalm: "The general scope and design of this psalm is to magnify the Divine law, and make it honourable." If you are familiar with this psalm you know this to be true.

I was reading verses 161-168 this morning and my Liberty Bible Commentary had this to say: "The riches of God's word only come to those who have disciplined themselves to battle the enemies of time, apathy, and irregularity with regard to the reading of God's word. Anyone who gives himself to such a rewarding practice will be able to say with the psalmist, 'I hate and abhor lying. Not only hate lying, nor simply abhor it, but hate and abhor lying is the responsibility of one who loves the law of God."

This is indeed a stronghold to living for God. May you be strengthened this morning to stand tall in your faith and be encouraged that God's riches are within your reach.

The pictures below are from the Women's Retreat I attended last weekend at Camp Wo-Me-To. I was thrilled to see and hear my friend, Karla Dornacher, speak about "savoring the moment."

The picture below is my friend, Kathy Kreyling, and her friend Cathi, who cheered my heart with their presence as I ate not one, not two, but three "small" cups of frozen ice cream!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

"Just One Letter . . . "

Have you ever received a note or letter that spoke to your heart and changed your course of action for the rest of your life? I received one some 28 years ago that so affected me that my life goal and future service were defined that day.

That’s when my note writing to encourage others began. And by God’s grace, I’ve been faithful through the years. Having firsthand experience in what a note can do in a life has kept me busy sending God’s love to those He directs me too. And He does direct me!

Consider the following excerpt from “The Fragrance of Kindness” by Cheri Fuller. One of the stories is written by Alexandra Stoddard:

Sit by a crackling fire and read some of your favorite letters. While sitting there soaking up all the love and support, think of one person you love and write a beautiful, loving letter to that person. Let the flame in your hearth warm your heart. One letter in a lifetime . . . to a special friend could make a greater difference than you dare to believe.”

I’ve literally sat by a crackling fire and twice wrote a beautiful, loving letter to a friend. It not only inspired me and provided many memories for me to enjoy, but it gave both of my friends warm and loving thoughts to remember for a lifetime.

All it takes is just one note or letter. In these days of speed, you’d be surprised how important a note or letter is that arrives via snail mail. My baskets are full of ones I’ve received, and through the years the encouraging words keep me going.

Christmas, 2009, my friend, Kathy Kreyling, gave me a note a month for 2010. Some loving friend had gifted her the year before and she wanted to pass on that gift. It warms my heart to know I have a packet of notes just waiting to be opened each month of this year.

Why not give it a try? It certainly isn’t hard. It’s doesn’t consume a lot of time. I guarantee it will be one of the most important things you’ll ever do!

I found the picture on the blog Encouragement From The Heart. If anyone knows where it originated from please let me know so I can give proper credit.

Coping With Change

" Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;  do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you ...