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Monday, March 30, 2009

Baby Leaves

Every spring I excitedly anticipate the arrival of baby leaves. One cold, winter day God gave me baby leaves to remind me of His hope. It was a difficult time in my life, and while I was walking our dog, Sparky, my eyes fixed on the maple tree behind our house. Stripped of all its colorful clothing, it looked dead. Just like my heart, I thought. And then I remembered baby leaves. Here is an excerpt of the article I wrote about them:

"Last February, I began watching the buds develop on the maple tree in my backyard. I couldn't remember ever taking the time to watch leaves grow, and decided I'd see firsthand how God have them birth.

"Sparkie and I would stop every evening on our walk to look for any development. It was a slow beginning, but finally--one day in April--the buds opened.

"Long tentacles reached out, as many as 10 or 15 from each bud, as I remember. At the end of the tentacles were blossoms and at their base were leaves. The leaves were bound together, just like the cold buds had been. As the weather warmed, they began to unfold.

"My heart tingled with excitement when the leaves began to open. My husband Jerry was at the garden and I remember yelling excitely to him: "Come quick! The leaves are opening."

"Half-inch baby leaves, perfectly shaped, stretched their little frames for all the earth to see.

"In one week, some leaves had grown to 3 inches in length. My eyes couldn't believe the transformation. As the leaves grew, the blossoms were blown to the ground. I walked on yellow drops of sun splattered all over the place. I had witnessed the birth of one of God's creations."

As I wait for my baby leaves to come out this year, I know God is working even when all seems dead. He is faithful!

Monday, March 23, 2009

My Kind of Journaling

As much as I enjoy writing notes and articles, journaling has never attracted me. (That is except when Jerry courted me. I wanted to remember everything! But that's another story.) I've received many pretty books to journal in and either passed them on or put them in a drawer. That is until five years ago when I came upon "my kind of journaling."

Whenever I read, if something attracts my mind, I write it down on a piece of paper. These writings are usually quotes and phrases in areas of life that I believe, and are written very well. I had a lot of little pieces of paper!

These writings now have a home in my journal books. It's a refreshment to pick up my journal and read sayings that inspire me and encourage me. Along the way I've included pictures that refresh me. "My kind of journaling" has now become one of my favorite things to do.

One of my favorite books, which I just acquired in 2008, is Draper's Book of Quotations for the Christian World. I learned about this book early on in my writing career, but alas, it was out of print and used copies were $100. Every now and then the book would come to mind. It was only when the government stimulus checks came out that I determined I was going to have that book!

What a treasure for my heart. Quotations by Christian men and women from the earliest days in history provided for my enjoyment. Of course, some of these quotations have ended up in my journal books.

"My kind of Journaling" provides an ever widening array of sunshine to my life. If you've never been a journaling type of person, I encourage you to try "my kind of journaling."

Friday, March 20, 2009

The promise of spring

This lone crocus is a promise that spring is not far behind. I'm not a gardener and any flowers that may come up around my home are placed by the birds or by my wonderful husband, Jerry. I have some wonderful friends who create beautiful gardens that I love to sit in.

This lone crocus tells me that in just a few short weeks my baby leaves will arrive. When they do I'll tell you how God gave them to me as His promise of hope.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

There were many surprises for me to enjoy as I came up to the big day! The beautiful cake was from my birthday breakfast . . . all to be eaten by me! Mary, Kathy and Cheryl started me off two weeks early. (More about them below.)

Enjoy your birthdays! You will have special memories to recall later when you need some encouragement.

For all the joy I received in this celebration, the day after I turned 60 I experieced pains in my chest so I visited the doctors and made it through a stress test. Could it have been any of that chocolate I ate? I'm doing well now and will focus on taking better care of myself.

Friends and Birthdays

I brought in my 60th birthday in style! Mary, Kathy and Cheryl helped by surprising me with a birthday breakfast two weeks before the big day. The four of us meet every February for breakfast. This is a date we all look forward to each year. It's these small joys in life that help all year long! Thank you Mary, Kathy and Cheryl.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Note Writing Reflections . . .

"I believe in my heart--that words really matter," and I agree completely! Robyn Freedman Spizman stated those words from her book "When Words Matter Most." She also said: "Words are truly a gift you can give that will add meaning to your life and to others along the way."

"If a gentle word, Could make your day
A little kinder, In any way,
I'd search for words, From A to Z
And sign each one, With love from me"

Helen Keller said: I long to accomplish a great and noble task but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble."

Note writing is a small thing that can make a BIG difference in the life of another. After 20+ years of note writing, I received enough notes in return to tell me that people need to be encouraged, and note writing is a great way to do it! A note is always there and can be read over and over again.

Alexandra Stoddard said: "I have walked on air all day since getting your letter."

Why not write a note today!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

"Father, We haven't had a beautiful snow storm in a long time. Would you give me 5 inches?" And He did! The snow fell Sunday night into Monday and was indeed beautiful. I recently read these words in the book "The Shack" which bring a delightful description:

"There is something joyful about storms that interrupt routine. Snow or freezing rain suddenly releases you from expectations . . . One can almost hear a unified sigh rise from the nearby city and surrounding countryside where Nature has intervened to give respite to the weary humans slogging it out within her purview . . . Somehow each person feels like the master of his or her own world, simply because those little droplets of water freeze as they hit the ground."

Also, from Job 38:22, "Have you entered the treasures of the snow?"
The Matthew Henry Commentary says: "In the clouds the snow and hail are generated, and thence they come in such abundance that one would think there were treasures of them laid up in store there, whereas indeed they are produced for the occasion."

And my own hearts thoughts . . .
"I Heard Snow . . .

"When I opened the back door I heard it,
Snow. I was amazed at the sound.
A whisper different from wind,
Yet, precise;
like nothing else I've every heard.
Snow falling from the heavens.
My heart rested and listened.
I couldn't keep away from my back door.
I heard snow falling,
and I thanked God."
February 16, 2003, 7 a.m.

Coping With Change

" Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;  do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you ...